Sunday, September 3, 2017

Why use the Project Based Learning method?

My last post explained Project Based Learning (PBL) as a method of teaching that engages students in responding to a real world challenge, problem, or questions. This seems time consuming, so why should we as teachers want use this method of teaching?

 - One reason is these responses are to an authentic real world problems. Students need opportunities to interact with the real world when possible because they can find it more meaningful.

- These projects, when designed well, are meant to be engaging for students. They get to take ownership of their learning.

- PBL is designed to include problem solving and problem solving is a life skill that students need more opportunities to sharpen.

- PBL can be used to address a variety of standards and topics. It is also a wonderful way to incorporate more technology into the classroom.

These are a few of the many reasons of why PBL should be used in the classroom. It can be a powerful teaching tool. To read more reasons please visit this link at the Buck Institute for Education:

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